Workin' for Harmonix. Music and Games. Sometimes both at the same time.
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Pow Surf 101: Powder surfing to Debussy’s Clair de Lune

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Glide peacefully down a mountain full of fresh powder as a powder surfing snowboarder carves his pathway through the trees. The piano piece Clair de Lune, by French composer Claude Debussy, accompanies the smooth uninterrupted shot of his binding-free ride: Pow Surf 101.

Related videos: Snowboarding in a LED suit, Moonline: Speed Riding at night over Bossons Glacier, and the Iditarod from above and from the trail.

via The Awesomer.

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2578 days ago
Boston, MA
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Take a trippy animated ride through Infinitude

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Scott Portingale created the sumptuously animated and sound-designed film Infinitude, which starts with abstract mathematical shapes, then evolves into the creation of the universe. (more…)

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3087 days ago
Boston, MA
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Portraits of the women of Botswana's heavy metal subculture



South African photographer Paul Shiakallis produced a series of photos, "Leathered Skins, Unchained Hearts," of the "queens" of Botswana's heavy metal "Marok" scene, mostly in their homes. (more…)

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3339 days ago
Boston, MA
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Blogs by Women

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For a thing I’m working on, I wanted a list of blogs that:

  • Are of interest to Mac/iOS developers, designers, and power users, and

  • Are written by women.

I made a list of some blogs I already knew about, and then I asked my friends for more, and they totally came through.

I decided to publish it rather than keep it to myself. You’ll find some good reading here.

In random order:

Ashley Nelson-Hornstein
Rachael Worthington
Katie Floyd
Janie Clayton
Liz Marley
Samantha Marshall
Natasha The Robot
Michele Titolo
Aleen Mean
Veronica Ray
Maxime Chevalier
Marcy Sutton
Tess Rinearson
Erica Sadun
Ellen Shapiro
Virginia Roberts
Sheree Pennah
Natasha Godwin
App Camp 4 Girls
Julia Ferraioli
Sally Shepard
Misty De Meo
Eryn Wells
Jenni Leder
Sasha Laundy
Meagan Waller
Linda Dong
Jaimee Newberry
Ellen Chisa
Nikki Lee
Susan Lin
Alli Dryer
Rebecca Miller-Webster
Brittany Tarvin Young
Melissa Elliott
Chris Martens
Lynn Fisher
Amber Case
Kate Heddleston

I’m sure there are plenty more. Send me links on Twitter if you have suggestions. (I can add to this post.)

Update 12:20 pm: More for the list via Twitter…

Ayaka Nonaka
Cate Huston
Natalie Podrazik
Kristina Thai
Corinne Krych

Update 1:10 pm: More via Twitter…

Barbara Shaurette
Christina Moulton
Julia Evans
Katie Zhu

Update 1:35 pm:

Gwynne Raskind

Update 4:10 pm:

Nadyne Richmond
Becky Hansmeyer
Dori Smith and Tom Negrino

Update a couple days later:

There is now an OPML file which you can import into your RSS reader.

Update a couple weeks later:

Virginia Roberts made a Twitter list you should subscribe to.

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3360 days ago
Boston, MA
3377 days ago
Cambridge, Massachusetts
3375 days ago
This post makes me wish the iOS app had a subscribe to feed option for links. Thanks for sharing such a large list!
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NeuralTalk and WalkCoding experiment from Kyle McDonald features...

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NeuralTalk and Walk

Coding experiment from Kyle McDonald features laptop running a neural network image captioner in realtime interpreting the webcam feed during a walk around Amsterdam:

Andrej Karpathy’s “NeuralTalk” code slightly modified to run from a webcam feed. I recorded this live while walking near the bridge at Damstraat and Oudezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam.


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3365 days ago
My first thought is that this isn't in realtime and should probably take hours in post processing. Then I find out it is in realtime. 🙃
Cambridge, Massachusetts
3360 days ago
Boston, MA
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Empty Epson "professional" inkjet cartridges are still 20% full

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If you've wondered why it matters that the Internet of Things is being born with the inkjet printer business model, here's why. Read the rest

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3442 days ago
Boston, MA
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